1. What is wan2respack ?

1.1. About wan2respack

This is a connection program to use the Wannier functions generated by Quantum Espresso and Wannier90 as inputs to RESPACK.

1.2. License

This package is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3) or later.

1.3. Download

You can download software and source codes of wan2respack from GitHub page or release page.

1.4. Contributors

This software was developed by the following contributors.

  • ver.1.0.0

    • Developers

      • Keisuke Kurita
        (Tohoku University)
      • Takashi Koretsune
        (Tohoku University)
      • Takahiro Misawa
        (The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)
      • Kazuyoshi Yoshimi
        (The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)
      • Kota Ido
        (The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)
      • Kazuma Nakamura
        (Quantum Physics Section, Department of Basic Sciences, Kyushu Institute of Technology)

1.4.1. Operating environment

wan2respack was tested on the following platforms

  • Linux PC + Intel compiler

  • Linux PC + GCC.

  • Mac + GCC.