5. Algorithm¶
In RESPACK, the \(i\)-th Wannier function is defined as
Here, \(U\) and \(U^{opt}\) are unitary matricies, \(\psi_{n{\bf k}}(r)\) is the \(n\)-th Bloch wave function, and \(N_s\) and \(N_b\) are determined from the energy-window information. The Bloch wave function is defined as
Here, \(C_{{\bf G}n}\) is the expansion coefficient of the plane wave. By inserting this coefficient, the Wannier function is written as
Here, \(\tilde{C_{\bf{G}i}}(\bf{k})\) is the expansion coefficient of the plane wave for the Wannier function:
Here, \(U^{{\bf k},opt}\) is required at dielectric function calculation, and \(\tilde{C_{{\bf G}i}}({\bf k})\) is required at Coulomb calculation. This program generates \(\tilde{C_{{\bf G}i}}(\bf{k})\) using \(C_{{\bf G}n}\) made by QE and \(U^{{\bf k}}, U^{{\bf k}, opt}\) made by Wannier90.
K-points Order
RESPACK performs calculations based on the information at irreducible k-points (\(\psi_{k\in irr}\)). This is because the information at reducible k-points (\(\psi_{k \in reducible}\)) can be generated by symmetry. On the other hand, Wannier90 calculates \(U^{{\bf k}}\), and so on, based on \(\psi_{k \in reducible}\). The \({\bf k}\)-order of \(\psi_{k \in reducible}\) used in Wannier90 must be the same as the \({\bf k}\)-order of \(\psi_{k \in reducible}\) generated by the symmetry in RESPACK. In pre-process mode, an operation is performed to align the \({\bf k}\)-order.
5.1. Relations between expressions and file names¶
This program finally outputs the four files in the dir-wan
The expressions and the corresponding files are shown below:
\(\tilde{C_{{\bf G}i}}(\bf{k})\) —
\(N_s, N_b\) —
\(U^{{\bf k}}U^{{\bf k},opt}\) —
\(<w_{i0}|r|w_{i0}>\) —
5.2. References¶
K. Nakamura, Y. Yoshimoto, Y. Nomura, T. Tadano, M. Kawamura, T. Kosugi, K. Yoshimi, T. Misawa, and Y. Motoyama, Comput. Phys. Commun. 261, 107781 (2021)
N. Marzari, A. A. Mostofi, J. R. Yates, I. Souza, and D. Vanderbilt, Rev. Mod. Phys. 84, 1419 (2012)