3. Tutorial

In this tutorial, we demonstrate the following calculations: (i) performing the first principle calculations using QE, (ii) calculating Wannier functions using Wannier90, (iii) generating input files for RESPACK using wan2respack, and (iv) calculating Coulomb interactions using RESPACK. The sample files are located in samples/Al.fcc.666. In this directory, there are the following four directories:

  1. PP

  • Including files of pseudopotentials.

  1. inputs

  • Including input files.

  1. inputs_selfk

  • Including input files when setting k-points manually by the user.

  1. reference

  • Including reference input files for generating Wannier functions using calc_wannier in RESPACK .

3.1. Al.fcc

The sample files of this tutorial are located in samples/Al.fcc.666/inputs . First, change the directory to samples/Al.fcc.666/inputs:

$cd samples/Al.fcc.666/inputs

In this directory, the following input files are included:

  • QE

    • Al.scf.in: Input file for scf calculation.

    • Al.nscf.in: Input file for nscf calculation.

    • Al.pw2wan.in: Input file for generating mmn and amn files.

  • Wannier90

    • Al.win.ref: Reference file of wan2respack for generating an input file of Wannier90 .

  • wan2respack

    • conf.toml: Input file of wan2respack for setting a path to the output directory of QE and seed names, etc.


    • respack.in : Input file RESPACK .

3.1.1. First principle calculations for the irreducible k-points using QE.

By typing the following commands, first principles calculations of scf and nscf using QE will be performed:

$QE/bin/pw.x < Al.scf.in > Al.scf.out
$QE/bin/pw.x < Al.nscf.in > Al.nscf.out

Here, $QE indicates a path to a directory where QE is installed. Note that target k-points must be irreducible.

3.1.2. Export k-points to be calculated by Wannier90.

Next, as a preprocess, export k-points to be calculated to input files of nscf calculation and Wannier90 by typing the following command:

$python $PATH_to_Install/bin/wan2respack.py -pp conf.toml

The contents of conf.toml are shown below:

QE_output_dir = "./work/Al.save"
seedname = "Al"

nscf = "Al.nscf.in"
win = "Al.win.ref"

nscf = "Al.nscf_wannier.in"
win = "Al.win"

In the [base] section, an output directory of QE and seed name are indicated by QE_output_dir and a seedname , respectively. In the [pre.ref] section, reference files for generating input files are indicated by nscf and win, respectively. In the [pre.output] section, names of output files generated by wan2respack are indicated by nscf and win, respectively.

After finishing a calculation, dir-wfn directory, Al.nscf_wannier.in and Al.win files will be generated (k-points will be added to Al.nscf_wannier.in and Al.win ).

3.1.3. Generate Wannier functions with QE and Wannier90

Using Al.nscf_wannier.in and Al.win, Wannier functions are generated using QE and Wannier90 by typing the following commands:

$QE/bin/pw.x < Al.nscf_wannier.in > Al.nscf_wannier.out
$Wanier90/wannier90.x -pp Al
$QE/bin/pw2wannier90.x < Al.pw2wan.in > Al.pw2wan.out
$Wanier90/wannier90.x Al

3.1.4. Convert Wannier functions to RESPACK format

Converting Wannier functions to RESPACK format can be performed using wan2respack.py The execution command is described below:

$python $PATH_to_Install/bin/wan2respack.py conf.toml

After finishing calculations, four files are generated in the dir-wan directory.

3.1.5. Calculation of Coulomb interactions using RESPACK

The input file of RESPACK is prepared as respack.in . Using this file, we can calculate Coulomb interactions using constrained Random Phase Approximation by RESPACK .

The execution command is described below.

$RESPACK/bin/calc_chiqw < respack.in > LOG.chiqw
$RESPACK/bin/calc_w3d < respack.in > LOG.W3d
$RESPACK/bin/calc_j3d < respack.in > LOG.J3d

The obtained results are shown in Fig. 3.1. The horizontal axis indicates the distance, and the vertical axis indicates the screened Coulomb interaction. In these figures, we also plotted the numerical results obtained using RESPACK. In this case, the calculation of Wannier functions was performed by calc_wannier in RESPACK. The input file respack.in of calc_wannier is located in the reference directory. Qualitatively, almost the same trend is obtained, indicating that the tool is working well. The difference shown in the inset of Fig. 3.1 is due to the fact that the Wannier function obtained with Wannier90 is not maximally localized (num_iter =0).


Fig. 3.1 Coulomb interactions obtained by constrained Random Phase Approximation. W90-Wannier indicates the numerical results obtained by this tutorial. RESAPCK-Wannier indicates the numerical results obtained using RESPACK (the calculation of Wannier functions was performed by calc_wannier in RESPACK ). The inset shows an enlarged view of Coulomb interactions obtained by constrained Random Phase Approximation.

We also prepare sample files of La2CuO4 and SrVO3 in the samples directory.

3.1.6. [Optional] Set k-points manually by the user

In the above tutorial, k-points are automatically exported. Here, k-points can be set manually by the user, if desired, by typing the following command in the inputs_selfk directory:

$python $PATH_to_Install/bin/wan2respack.py -pp conf.toml

The contents of conf.toml are shown below:

QE_output_dir = "./work/Al.save"
seedname = "Al"
selfk = true

The selfk flag in the [base] section must be true in this mode. The k-point list is written in dat.sample_mk. A k-point list in Al.nscf_wannier.in and Al.win is determined based on dat.sample_mk.